Chapter 5 - Page 43
Posted August 11, 2024 at 6:34 pm

If Dove is an immovable object then Aster is an unstoppable force!

Also now that the fight is starting proper, I kind of want to talk about Dove and his size. A lot of you have questioned how Aster will even be able to punch high enough to reach him, and as you can see the answer is: fake it with framing. Think of one of my biggest inspirations, Punch Out. Specifically Super Punch Out. Little Mac is supposed to be minuscule compared to his opponents, but the way they frame him makes it so that him landing punches on this giant boxers doesn't feel that weird or awkward.

Dove in large part was also inspired by a quote I really like about Gamagori from Kill la Kill which is that his set size is "bigger than you". Dove's size is malleable and can shift depending on how big I want him to feel in any given moment. He just always has to be the biggest thing in the frame no matter what. But it also means I can squish him down enough during the action so that he's actually able to be a human being that can conceivably be punched.

I've been really excited to put these ideas into action and I hope he feels like a massive mountain of a man during this fight while still making the action fun, readable, and believable!
